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Author: Cummings Plumbing

Fight Against Pollen: The Benefits of an Air Filtration System in Your Home

Spring time in the desert is here! And with that, comes seasonal allergies due to the plants in bloom, dust and other allergens during this time of year. 

If you suffer from allergies or asthma, you may experience worsened symptoms this season, even when you’re indoors or in your home. This is because dust, dirt, and other airborne particles can aggravate these conditions and make breathing more difficult.

If you want to improve the indoor air quality throughout your entire home, a whole house air filter or purification system can clean the air as it passes through your home’s HVAC system, such as an Air Scrubber or Reme Halo systems.

Allergens and Air Quality in Tucson AZ 

Throughout the entire year, the desert can host many problem for those that suffer from allergies or other health conditions such as asthma. However, spring brings it own challenges as plants are in full bloom during the change of seasons. 

You may notice frequent sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, itchy or watery eyes, postnasal drip or other common symptoms this spring. Common seasonal allergies can be due to plants found in Southern Arizona such as:

  • Ragweed
  • Palo Verde Trees
  • Mesauite Trees
  • Tumbleweeds
  • Seasonal Flowers
  • Bermuda grass
  • Mesquite trees
  • Mulberry trees
  • Olive trees

In Tucson, other common allergens such as dust, air pollution, and mold can wreak havoc on your body all year round. You won’t be able to escape pollen, dust and dander even indoors as these will circulate in the HVAC system in your home. 

Heating and cooling experts recommend an air purifier to improve the performance of your HVAC system and to take indoor air quality to the next level. It’s important to protect your home from harmful airborne allergens and contaminants that can potentially risk the health of you and your family.

Air Purifiers Can Help Reduce Allergy Symptoms

You may or not be aware of how much dust particles can be stuck in your home, especially if there are pets that live in your home. An Air Purifier System for your house is undoubtedly worth the investment for anyone wanting to improve the air quality of their home, especially those with allergies, asthma and other respiratory conditions. 

Air Filtration Systems help to reduce symptoms by removing antagonistic air pollutants from circulating through your home. This can result in less frequent and less intense allergy and/or asthma attacks. Having an air purifier system will also reduce lingering odors, such as pet odor or cigarette odor.

Unlike portable units that are limited to the room in which they are placed, Aureus Air Scrubbers and Reme Halo Systems will provide whole home and building purification! 

How Do Home Air Scrubbers and Air Purifier Systems Work?

In-Duct Air Purifiers and Air Scrubbers are designed to clean airborne particles by filtering the circulating air and remove particles from the air and surrounding surfaces. Your unit will provide up to 25,000 hours, or over two years of fresh, clean, purified air.

An In-Duct Home Air Filtration System recreates nature’s air purifying process by using ultraviolet light to create ionized hydro-peroxides molecules which break down containments so they do not circulate into your home. 

Once you have an Air Purifier System installed in your home, the technology immediately goes to work removing odors, dangerous airborne contaminants, vapors, and more. The air in your home will be cleaner, fresher, and purified – all by one reliable system.

These systems are easily integrated into your existing HVAC system and will not take aware living space. Air Purifying Systems operate quietly and you can rest assured that they’re doing a thorough job cleaning the air that circualates your home.

Aerus Air Scrubbers and Reme Halo Air Purification Benefits

Both of these Air Purifying Systems will reduce airborne particulates (dust, dander, pollen, mold spores) and will kill up to 99% Bacteria, lessening you and your family’s risk of getting sick and or allergic reactions. 

Most people know that these systems will clean your air, but many don’t know that it also cleans the surfaces in your home such as furniture, countertops, doorknobs, and virtually every other surface in your home. This makes your entire home safer to live in – especially when it comes to germs and bacteria.

Another benefit of an Air Purification System is that it will extend the lifetime of your HVAC System. It traps dirt, dust and other natural debris and protects the coils and blower in your HVAC from getting damaged. A well-protected system can save you time and money on repairs!

Tucson’s #1 Air Filtration Installation Services

Cummings Plumbing, Heating & cooling is offering state-of-the-art Reme Halo or Aerus Air Scrubber installation services! Nothing is better than knowing your family’s health is better protected by installing an Air Purifying System in to your home.

Our team of experts has over 36 years of experience and are backed by over 1,500 Five Star Reviews Locally from neighbors, friends and family! You will rest assured that your home is as clean as possible, drastically reduced exposure to the dust and pollen found in Tucson, especially during spring and summer!

If you’re looking to make your home air quality better overall, call Cummings Plumbing to setup a free estimate for an Air Purifcation System Insallation! You no longer have to have stuffy indoor air or worry about season allergies! Contact us today for more information.

Everything You Need To Know When It’s Time To Repipe Your Home

Are you considering getting Repiping Services? A repipe is a replacement of old or defective pipes in your home. Pipes are an essential part of a plumbing structure and their failure can result in possible damage and will need to be repaired or replaced.

This can sound very difficult to manage as a homeowner, but getting your home professionally repiped is extremely important for many reasons. Repiping your home will reduce the risk of pipes bursting and will extend the life of your home for many years to come!

Signs You Need To Replace Your Pipes

If you have older pipes such as copper, polybutylene, CPVC, or galvanized pipes, they may become defective and result in broken pipes. 

Not only does a broken pipe mean you will now be in need of a repair, but it may also cause water damage to your property. If you have older pipes, you may consider replacing them prior to a leak or burst!

There are many other signs other than burst pipes that indicate it may be time to replace the pipes in your home. Other warning signs to look out for include:

  – Loss of water pressure

– Orange spots on your floor, ceiling, or walls

– Wet or warm areas on the floor

– Musty smells

– Reoccurring leaks

– Discolored pipes

– Rusty colored water

The Best Repiping Options

When it comes time to repipe your home, you may be looking for the best, state-of-the-art and cost-effective solutions available on the market.

Perma-Liner is a trenchless pipelining system that offers a solution to repairing broken and damaged pipes and sewage lines. Perma-Liner’s system is able to restore buried pipelines to better-than-new conditions in less time than a traditional repipe.

What To Expect From Trenchless Pipe Repair

If you need a repipe, Trenchless Pipe Repair is your best option! Trenchless pipe repair has many other ways of being done but Perma-Liner is by far the best solution. You’ll notice the difference it makes in your home’s plumbing system!

It’s important to work with a specialized plumber that can get the service done correctly, efficiently and safely. Perma-Liner has been available since 1999; however, due to the cost associated with investing in the technology and equipment, not every plumber can provide the service. 

The process should only take a matter of hours but you’ll have practically brand new pipes. During the installation process your pipes will not expand and their integrity will never be jeopardized. Because this is a trenchless method of repair, there is almost no excavation required to put the liner in place.

The CIPP (Cured In Place Pipe) process starts with scoping out the line with a high definition camera to look for any obstructions like roots, debris, or build-up. Any obstructions will be remove so that when the Perma-Liner is put in, it will cure properly.

After measuring and fitting the pipe, the lining and resign will be prepared for installation and then inserted into place. After a steam cure process to solidify the new lining and bonding it to the existing pipes, it will be inspected to make sure everything looks great. Perma-Liner will give new life to your old pipes!

Repipe Specialists Near Me

Choosing the right company to help you is important. It’s important to hire a certified and experienced plumber when you need to repair a pipe so that your home is in the best hands possible. 

Cummings Plumbing has done hundreds of Perma Liner or repipe jobs in the community and we are ready to help fix your pipes so they can last forever. We even back our Perma-Liner service with a 50-year warranty!

Cummings Plumbing is proud to be one of just three companies in the entire state of Arizona that offers Perma-Liner solutions to our customers. That’s right, there are only three companies that currently offer this state-of-the-art technology that has a cost-savings of thousands to its customers. 

Our repipe services are top-rated and we are committed to getting the job done right! Backed by over 36 years of experience and 1,500 Five Star Reviews locally, we are the most trusted Plumber!

For specialized Perma-Liner services, call the licensed professionals at Cummings Plumbing Heating & Cooling! If you are considering a repipe in the Southern Arizona area, give us a call and we would be happy to send a technician out to assess what needs to be done.

When Is It Time To Call a Professional Electrician?

Are you considering whether or not you want to hire a Professional Electrician? Having a licensed, experienced and reliable electrician is extremely important.  It isn’t just a matter of quality, it’s a matter of safety to hire a trained electrician to get the job done right!

First and foremost, the main reason why you should hire a professional electrician is for your own safety, your family’s safety, and the safety of your property. Attempting to perform your own DIY Electrical Services can be dangerous and even in some cases, illegal.

Depending on the type of electrical current and voltage, you could sustain some major injuries if you are the recipient of electric shock or electrocution. Incorrect electrical work and maintenance is also a hazard, since electricity is one of the most common causes of fires and thermal burns in homes and workplaces.

Performing trial-and-error on your electrical systems can also impact the quality and lifetime of the equipment, in addition to not being able to pass codes and inspections. What may seem like a small electrical problem can have some potential dangers and risks, both in the short term and the long run.

It’s best to leave it to a professional company and experienced electricians who have the necessary tools, knowledge, and expertise to get the job done safely and correctly!

How Do I Find a Reliable Electrician?

Since there is an element of risk involved when performing electrical work, it’s worth it to hire an electrician instead of attempting to do the work yourself. The professionals spend many years working and studying before they become licensed and certified. When looking for an electrician, make sure to look for a company that is:

  • Licensed and Insured
  • Qualified and experienced
  • Recommended and Have a Good Reputation
  • Communication
  • Workmanship Guarantee

With an electrical contractor, you not only guarantee that your project will meet building codes and standards, but you can also make sure that you have access to all the equipment, tools and knowledge needed for any electrical work.

Professional Electricians are also capable of solving unforeseen electrical issues safely and efficiently. 

What Electrical Services Can a Professional Electrician Provide?

When you experience electrical problems, it’s more than just an inconvenience. It’s a potential hazard, so it is extremely important to not overlook even minor or common problems.

The underlying cause of an electrical problem or why something is not working needs to be addresses since it can be a potential fire hazard or code violation. Best case scenario, it is just an inconvenience but wouldn’t it be nice to have your home or business functional and in working order?

Electricians provide a wide range of maintenance, repairs, replacements and installations for residential and commercial properties. You can call an Electrician to provide common services for:

  • Dead Outlets
  • Outlet Upgrades
  • Blown Fuses
  • New Lighting Fixtures
  • Exposed and Frayed Wires
  • And Much More!

Professional Electricians Near Me

#1 For Electrical Services in Tucson, AZ – Cummings Plumbing, Heating and Cooling has been serving Tucson, AZ and the surrounding areas since 1983! Whether it is residential, new construction, or commercial electrical repairs, we are here to help.

Our team of knowledgeable and experienced electricians can quickly diagnose the root cause of your electrical problems and provide reasonably priced solutions that are tailored to meet your specific needs.

Don’t let someone perform trial and error solutions on your electrical system! Trust our certified  and experienced professionals who know what they’re doing, because you deserve the best. Cummings has Top-Rated and Reliable Electricians in Tucson, AZ!

Is It Time To Replace Your Old Water Heater?

If your water heater is not working properly, you may need the help of a plumber to determine if it needs a repair or a replacement. Some repairs such as replacing a pressure relief valve or heating element can be fairly simple. A plumber may be able to simply repair the existing unit however, there are cases where a water heater replacement is necessary. 

You may also be interested in upgrading your current system to a more efficient, energy conserving, state-of-the-art Tankless Water Heater System. Even if you don’t need a new water heater right now, chances are you will within the next few years. 

How Can I Extend The Lifetime of a Water Heater Unit?

The lifespan of your water heater will vary depending on what type it is and the location of where you live, but an average gas or electric system typically needs to be replaced after 7 to 10 years. Getting inspections and maintenance performed regularly is the key to extending the lifetime of your unit! This also ensures your water heating system is working efficiently and safely. 

Regular maintenance is crucial for extending the lifetime of a system. Due to the water quality throughout Tucson, we recommend you flush your water heater every six months to one year to stop sediment from building up. This helps to extend the lifetime of the unit, avoid leaks and eventual corrosion in the tank. 

Warning Signs That It May Be Time To Replace Your Water Heater

It’s a good idea to know when the time is right to replace your water before it springs a leak and causes an inconvenience or worse yet, damage to your home. Water heater explosions unfortunately are a very real thing.

If you were driving in your car, would you ignore the check engine light in your car? Probably not. It’s unsafe to drive when your car needs to be serviced and the same is true for your Water Heater. Broken water heaters left untreated can cause burst pipes and water damage to your property.

This is why hiring a trusted plumber for inspections is essential to the lifespan of the unit and safety of your family and home. Signs that you may need to call a Plumber to fix or repair your Water Heater include:

  • Running out of hot water frequently
  • Reduced Water Flow or Water Pressure
  • Noticeable Leaks
  • Hearing unusual noises and sounds
  • Discolored Water
  • The Water Heater is past it’s life expectancy

Upgrading Your System to a Tankless Water Heater

If your tank water heater is more than 10 years old but not broken, it still may be time to consider replacing it before an emergency happens. If you’re replacing a water heater, you might consider upgrading to a larger tank or tankless water heater! 

Cummings Plumbing has the largest inventory of traditional Gas and Electric Water Heaters to choose from! However, we also have state-of-the-art Tankless Water Heaters available for installation.

By heating water on demand and only when needed, Tankless Water Heaters are more energy efficient than traditional water heaters. This will save you money with lower energy bills in the long run!

Tired of running out of hot water? With a Tankless system, there isn’t a supply of hot water that can be depleted. The system heats water for as long as there is a demand for it. This means you don’t ever have to run out of water again!

We have options for your Water Heater Replacement and Repairs!

Cummings Plumbing can help you maintain, repair, replace and install your water heater at affordable prices. With over 500 five star reviews and over 35 years of experience, we are the Plumber Tucson, AZ trusts most!

We’re here to make plumbing a worry-free and convenient experience. Our team of experienced plumbers can diagnose the root of the problem and find affordable solutions quickly.

We understand that burst pipes or other emergencies can happen at any time. Cummings Plumbing offers 24/7 service for plumbing emergencies so we can be there for you when you need us the most.

If you need to repair or replace your Water Heater – Cummings Plumbing in Tucson, AZ is your #1 best option! Contact us today for your free estimate and for more information on our Tankless Water Heater Options!


How To Prepare Your Pipes For Winter In The Desert

Winter is a common time for your home’s plumbing pipes to burst due to cold weather. Yes – even in the desert! The best way to prevent this is to prepare your pipes the best you can before the onset of cold weather.

There are several ways to prep your home for the winter, including:

  • Checking for possible leaks
  • Insulating the pipes
  • Turning off outside faucets
  • Keeping a slow drip on inside
  • Keeping the temperature inside of your home above 55°F

Tips To Keep Your Pipes From Freezing

It’s important to properly insulate exposed pipes even if the weather condition where you live is not a hard freeze. If pipes are exposed to freezing temperatures for longer than 6 consecutive hours, it increases the chance of the water in the pipes freezing and then eventually causing a burst due to the change in pressure. Even a crack or two can have a severe impact on your property!

To keep exterior pipes from freezing, cover them to keep them well insulated. There are several different methods and materials for insulating your pipes. Any pipes that go through unheated spaces such as storage, mechanical rooms or attics should be covered as well.

Keeping a slow drip going from the faucets inside your home can also help prevent the pipes from freezing over. If cold weather settles in and you notice temperatures beginning to drop, start a small drip of both hot water and cold water in the kitchen, bath, laundry areas. A small water drip can help keep water moving through the system and prevent the water in the pipes from freezing.

How To Know The Pipes In Your Home Are Broken

If you turn on the faucet and only a small drip or nothing comes out, that can mean the pipes did freeze over. There are other reasons why your pipes may break, such as clogs in the drain or corrosion due to rust. Other signs of a broken pipe include loss of water pressure, stains on the wall, discolored water or noises coming from the pipes.

If you see or suspect a leak or a break in the piping anywhere inside or outside of the home, immediately shut off the main water supply to the property and call a professional plumber for assistance.

Not only does a broken pipe mean you will now be in need of a repair, it may also cause water damage to your property. Accidental water damage that occurs as a result of a sudden or unexpected pipe bursting may or may not be covered by homeowners insurance and can become costly. However, water damage can quickly lead to mold so it’s important to remediate any broken pipes and possible water damage as soon as possible. Make sure to document any damage so you can submit it for an insurance claim with your insurance company.

How To Repair A Broken Pipe

Pipes are an essential part of a plumbing structure and their failure can result in a large mess or even possible damage. To minimize damage while waiting for a repair, turn off the water and try to clean up any water if you can. A Professional Plumber will be able to assess the damage to the pipe and the best solution to repair it.

It’s important to hire a certified and experienced plumber when you need to repair a pipe so that it can be fixed quickly, efficiently and correctly. Hiring a plumber will be time-saving and cost-effective rather than attempting trial-and-error or do-it-yourself repair. A plumber will be able to come up with a solution to leave your home plumbing safe and reliable!

A Plumber You Can Trust

If for any reason you find you may have a broken pipe, Cummings Plumbing offers 24/7 assistance. No matter the time of day, we have a team of experienced technicians available to assist you with your plumbing needs. We’ve been serving the Tucson area for over 36 years!

Our technicians are here to help diagnose the problem and help you find a solution every time! We’re dedicated to providing affordable plumbing options to repair your plumbing issues. If you have a pipe break this winter season, contact the experts at Cummings Plumbing!

Benefits of Upgrading Your Thermostat

Many people often look for ways that they can reduce their costly utilities bills. Energy consumption makes up a huge part of those utility bills, which is where the issue of upgrading one’s thermostat comes in. One excellent way of reducing costs without sacrificing comfort is by investing in a thermostat upgrade. 

Cummings Plumbing Heating and Cooling is a plumbing and HVAC company based in Tucson, Arizona. Their specialty lies in the repair and installation of both residential and commercial heating, plumbing, and cooling systems. They provide the top four benefits of upgrading your thermostat, from cost savings to the ease and convenience that comes with their installation.

Cost Savings

According to Cummings Plumbing Heating and Cooling, one of the main benefits of a thermostat upgrade is that doing so can save you money. Many people fail to realize that making the switch from a manual thermostat to one that is programmable is a surefire way to reduce your energy bills. In fact, several studies have found that a thermostat upgrade can reduce your overall energy bill by between 5% and 15%. This is because programmable or smart thermostats can be scheduled or programmed to decrease usage when your home is empty or overnight when you’re sleeping, ensuring your HVAC system is never on unnecessarily. 

Ease and Convenience

Like with a lot of different types of technologies, new thermostats are only getting easier to operate. They are more intuitive than they’ve ever been, shares Cummings Plumbing Heating and Cooling. This means that even if you’re not the most tech-savvy person, you will likely find it far easier learning how to use a modern, programmable thermostat compared to a manual one. A few features that make modern thermostats easier to use include touch screen controls, digital read outs and lit LED screens that make it possible to read the thermostat even when the lights are off. Some smart thermostats can even be controlled from your mobile phone, an extremely convenient feature for many people. In addition, certain modern thermostats will offer information beyond the temperature, providing the homeowner with alerts if anything is wrong with the system, as well as maintenance reminders, such as when the homeowner should change the filter. Overall, Cummings Plumbing firmly believes that thermostat upgrades make the homeowners life much easier.


A zoning system is the most effective way to heat or cool your home. As the name suggests, it divides your home into zones, allowing you to set different temperatures for each. This way, if there’s a part of the house you never use, you don’t have to waste energy (and money) heating or cooling it. Cummings Plumbing Heating and Cooling of Tucson, Arizona, asserts that if you choose to install a zoning system, you will have no option but to purchase a compatible zoning thermostat. However, even if you have an older thermostat in your home, it might be worth upgrading to a zoning thermostat so you can have more control over which areas of your home are being served by your HVAC system.


Yet another benefit to a thermostat upgrade is that modern thermostats are more environmentally friendly than their traditional counterparts, shares Cummings Plumbing Heating and Cooling. Modern thermostats are mercury free and best of all, actively reduce the amount of energy consumption in your home. This is because they only turn on when there is a need and many are able to detect or be programmed to know when residents will be out of the home and thus it doesn’t need to be turned on.

The Benefits of Upgrading to High Efficiency Air Conditioning Units in Arizona

Are you considering an upgrade to your air conditioning unit? If you live in a place with year-round heat, such as Arizona, then having an efficient air conditioning system is a must. There are so many benefits of high efficiency air conditioning units, compared to their older, less efficient counterparts. Such benefits include cost savings, increased comfort, better air flow, and reducing one’s environmental impact. 

Cummings Plumbing Heating and Cooling are HVAC specialists based in Tucson, Arizona. They specialize in the repair and installation of both commercial and residential HVAC systems. They outline the top five benefits of upgrading to a high efficiency A/C unit in Arizona.


According to Cummings Plumbing Heat and Cooling of Tucson, Arizona, one of the greatest benefits to be derived from upgrading to a high efficiency air conditioning unit is the cost savings. Replacing an older, less efficient air conditioning unit is a surefire way to save money in the long run. For those that don’t know, the efficiency of air conditioning systems is measured by SEER, which stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. Units with a higher SEER number are going to save you more money, as they will run more efficiently. To put it into perspective, older A/C units tend to run between 8 and 10 SEER, while brand new units operate at 25 SEER. Each SEER point increase will save the customer roughly 8% to 10%, which proves that high efficiency units are ultimately more affordable.


The second benefit of upgrading to a high efficiency air conditioning unit in a hot place like Tucson, Arizona, is that such units will create a more comfortable atmosphere within your home. For example, high efficiency units are much quieter than older units that shake and rattle endlessly. Newer systems even have sound absorbing materials built in to prevent the sound from carrying throughout the house. In addition, Cummings Plumbing Heating and Cooling shares that new air conditioning technology produces more even cooling throughout every room of the home. This means that you’re less likely to experience frigid temperatures in the basement, while the top floor is still warm. All of this makes for a more comfortable living experience in your home. 

Air Flow

Air flow is another important factor to consider when debating whether to upgrade to a high efficiency air conditioning unit for your Arizona home. The air flow is undeniably better with a newer unit. This is because high efficiency systems feature variable speed motors that ensure optimal air flow levels throughout your entire home. Such motors also increase the static pressures in your ducts, which will result in more air flowing through each register, shares Cummings Plumbing Heating and Cooling.

Carbon Footprint

If reducing your environmental impact is a priority for you, then there is no better option than a high efficiency air conditioning system. Research shows that high efficiency air conditioning units use up to one third less fuel than older models to do the same job. This translates to less waste and more conservation of our planet’s precious natural resources. In addition, upgrading and regularly maintaining your air conditioning unit will ensure you can use it for a long time to come, preventing you from having to buy a new one down the line. Overall, Cummings Plumbing recommends switching to a high efficiency A/C unit if you’re looking to reduce your carbon footprint. 

Resale Value

Finally, Cummings Plumbing Heating and Cooling of Tucson, Arizona, claims that upgrading to a high efficiency air conditioning unit can increase the resale value of your Arizona home. Prospective buyers are always looking for the benefits that come with a home and having a newly installed, high efficiency HVAC system is one such benefit. As A/C systems don’t always come cheap, knowing that a new, high efficiency unit was recently installed will provide peace of mind to buyers that they likely wouldn’t need to replace it soon and that their monthly utilities bill will likely be less than with an older system. 

The Benefits of Installing a Water Softening System

Many people have hard water flowing into their home and don’t even realize it. Hard water is water that contains higher levels of calcium and magnesium, which might not sound like a big deal, but having hard water flowing through your pipes and out your faucet can actually have some serious consequences. For example, hard water makes it more difficult for things like soap or dish detergent to dissolve, which results in a film or build-up in your pipes, sometimes even leading to a clog. In addition, hard water is simply harsher on everything that comes into contact with it, from your skin and hair to your plumbing. Luckily, there is a way to turn your hard water into soft water — a water softening system.

Cummings Plumbing Heating and Cooling are plumbing experts based in Tucson, Arizona, who specialize in the installation of HVAC systems, including water softening systems. They provide their insight into a list of the top benefits to be derived from installing a water softening system in your home.

Healthier Skin

On the personal care side, one of the most noticeable benefits of soft water has to do with your skin. If your home currently relies on hard water, then you may think that dried out skin the moment you step out of the shower is the norm. The reality is that the harsh minerals that hard water contains act as an exfoliant on the skin, which can dry it out. Stripping hard water of these minerals by way of a water softening system will make the water far more gentle on your skin, shares Cummings Plumbing Heating and Cooling. The result? Healthier, softer skin that doesn’t require insane amounts of moisturizer the moment your shower ends.

Shiny Hair

Another benefit to be derived from the installation of a water softening system in your home is that soft water will leave your hair strong and shiny. Similar to the effects of hard water on your skin, the high content of minerals in the water can also leave your hair dry, dull, and brittle — no matter what shampoo you use. The minerals and ions in hard water can make even the healthiest locks look dried out. That is where a water softening system can help. According to Cummings Plumbing Heating and Cooling of Tucson, Arizona, such a system will remove the destructive minerals from the water, allowing your hair to retain more moisture and look its best.

Better Tasting Drinking Water

Third, the plumbing experts at Cummings Plumbing assert that hard water tends to taste “earthier,” which is not something many people enjoy. This earthier flavor is derived from the high contents of minerals and metallics such as iron that the water contains. In contrast, soft water has a much milder, more neutral taste. When drinking soft water, you won’t pick up on any sort of strange aftertaste, unlike hard water, which some claim they can taste traces of fluoride, chloramine, and other minerals in. Cummings Plumbing shares that the installation of a water softening system will result in fresh, filtered drinking water every single time, which ultimately results in a more pleasant tasting glass of water.

Cummings Plumbing on Cleaner Clothing

As established previously, hard water simply isn’t gentle. This means that it is likely to have a harsh reaction to whatever it comes into contact with. If it’s your hair or face, it can dry it out, if it’s your clothing in the laundry, it can result in wear of the clothing. That’s right, another benefit of a water softening system is that it will make your clothes cleaner and softer, preserving them for longer than if you continued using hard water to wash them. In addition to drying out the fabrics the same way hard water dries out your skin, the high concentration of minerals may be more difficult for the laundry detergent to cut through, leaving your clothes dirty. Soft water on the other hand won’t leave any sort of build up or residue and will leave your clothes just as soft as when they were first put in the washing machine.

Clogged Drains: Common Culprits that Cause Household Clogs

Tired of dealing with pesky household clogs? The first step is to learn what’s causing them. The reality is there are a variety of items that could be responsible for clogged drains, but there are a few that are more likely than others. 

Cummings Plumbing Heating & Cooling, a plumbing and HVAC company located in Tucson, Arizona, provide their insight into the most common culprits of clogged household drains. 



The number one clogged drain culprit? You guessed it — hair! According to Cummings Plumbing, hair is one of the most common causes of a clogged drain, especially a shower or bathtub drain. This is because when hair becomes wet, such as when you’re taking a shower, it is able to attach itself to almost anything — and this includes pipes and drains. Over time, a build up of hair can result in a large back up. In part, this is because not only does the hair build up, but the strands then have the ability to stick to or “catch” other common drain cloggers, such as residue from soap. Luckily, there is a way to avoid hair clogs in the future. You can easily find screens or special filters for the top of the drain to keep the hair out. These drain covers will allow the water through, but keep the hair out, so at the end of your shower you can discard your hair in the garbage or compost, preventing it from getting sucked down the drain.


Grease and Oil

Another common culprit for household clogs is grease. Grease and oil are often responsible for a kitchen sink clog. This is because, similar to hair, grease will stick to anything, which is a recipe for disaster when it comes to pipes. The grease or oil will harden as it cools, sticking to the pipe, and on top of that, it will stick to food or other items that end up going down your drain, resulting in a major build up. Unfortunately, there is no magic trick when it comes to grease in a drain, the simplest way to avoid this type of clog is to simply not put grease down the drain. Cummings Plumbing of Tucson, Arizona, recommends disposing of grease or oil the same way you would household chemicals (i.e. pouring the substance into a disposable container and throwing it in the garbage). 


Non-Degradable Food

Many people fail to realize that not all food is suitable to go down your sink. In fact, there are many foods, even those that are biodegradable, that can cause clogs in your pipes. In addition, any foods that have trouble being ground up in your garbage disposal should not go down your sink. These include eggshells, uncooked pasta, nuts, or other high fiber foods. Cummings Plumbing of Tucson, Arizona, warns that in addition to clogged pipes, putting non-degradable food down your drain can also lead to some pretty bad odors. They recommend installing a garbage disposal, if you don’t already have one, and generally avoiding putting any large scraps of food down the drain.


Paper Products

When it comes to clogged drains, most people think of their kitchen sink or shower. But there is another drain that frequently gets clogged: the toilet. This is why paper products are listed as one of the most common culprits of household clogs. The pipes on most toilets are only equipped to handle thin paper products, such as toilet paper. However, some people believe that any paper product, ranging from napkins to paper towels to hand wipes, is fair game. This is a myth, shares Cummings Plumbing. If throwing these types of paper products down the drain hasn’t already clogged it, they likely will in the future. Instead, do your best to flush nothing other than toilet paper down the toilet.

Repair or Replace: How to Tell What Your A/C Unit Requires

The air conditioning unit is one of the most important items in a home, especially a home in a warm climate like Arizona. Thus, when your A/C unit is giving you trouble, it can make for a really bad day. 

Cummings Plumbing Heating & Cooling is a plumbing and HVAC company based in Tucson, Arizona. They have been in business for nearly 36 years and provide a wide range of services to their clients, including A/C repair, A/C replacement, electric services, HVAC, trenchless pipe repair, and water heater repair and replacement. They share a few telltale signs that your A/C unit is past the point of repair and instead needs to be replaced entirely. 

Telltale Sign #1: The Unit Itself is Old

What exactly is considered “old” when it comes to an A/C unit? According to Cummings Plumbing, any air conditioning unit that is between 10 and 15 years old is considered old and may need to be replaced. This applies to both central and ductless air conditioners. Typically, A/C units have a lifespan of about a decade or a decade and a half, but no more than two decades. So, if you’ve had the same unit for over 10 years, the necessary repairs are likely to start racking up and they generally aren’t cheap with units this old. It’s a good idea to have a technician take a look and give you their opinion on whether it’s time to call it and buy a new unit or it’s worth sticking it out a while longer and dealing with the necessary repairs as they come.

Telltale Sign #2: You’ve Repaired it Multiple Times Already

Another telltale sign that you’re in need of an A/C replacement is if you are frequently having your unit repaired. If you’re experiencing cracks, breaks, and/or regular stoppages, it’s a clear sign that the components inside the unit are wearing down. Occasional repairs are completely normal, but multiple repairs over a short span of time, such as during the summer months, is a sign of something much more serious. Of course, you always have the option of continuing with regular repairs. However, Cummings Plumbing Heating & Cooling recommends upgrading to an entirely new unit, as at this point, you’ll likely be spending more on repairs than you would on a new unit.

Telltale Sign #3: Your Energy Bills Are Going Up

According to Cummings Plumbing of Tucson, Arizona, if you notice your energy bills are starting to rise it could be a sign that your A/C unit is in need of repair or replacement. As A/C units age, they may be required to work harder and use much more power to do the same amount of work. That is why you might notice an increase in your bill, yet you’re receiving the same amount of cool air as in the past. In this situation, though upgrading your unit may not be strictly necessary from a functional standpoint, it might be the right decision as in the long run, it could very well save you money. Air conditioners are becoming increasingly energy efficient. Nowadays, A/C units have SEER ratings and the higher the rating, the more energy efficient the unit is. If you decide to buy a new one but aren’t sure which is best for you, consider asking a professional, such as Cummings Plumbing, who would be happy to provide their advice regarding the most energy efficient units on the market today.